Sunday 8 May 2011

Viral Assets

These are the assets for the documentary part of the motion piece. I made the vector camera based on various images I had found. I took influence from each of the images and created this vector camera. The colours that I chose to use work with the background from the motion and the rest of the campaign.

The top left image was the main influence for the design of the assets to be used in the motion piece. From looking at this image I decided to add a shadow, of a lighter colour,  behind each object to make each of the assets stand out.

This is the text that will deliver the main message of the viral piece. I decided to only use two colours for the assets because from looking at research I came to the conclusion that simpler, minimalistic animations work better and are more successful. I didn't want to over work the campaign by using too many colours. Colour is added to the animation with the use of the patterns that were used in both the posters and the website.

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